Glass Ceiling

Graphic and game design by Wendy Carmical, project management and game design by Maura Sparks.
It's written in C++ using OpenGL, and thus is completely portable between iOS, Android and OSX.
Graphic and game design by Wendy Carmical, project management and game design by Maura Sparks.
It's written in C++ using OpenGL, and thus is completely portable between iOS, Android and OSX.
In this enhanced version of SPARKvue sensors are tagged with fiduciary markers. The video from a camera pointed at the experimental setup is shown beneath normal UI elements, and measurements from sensors are drawn into the video as it runs.
Electric Magic implemented the Mac-specific portions of the Zorap web plugin, supporting Safari, Firefox and other modern web browsers.
Marrakech took the hypermedia concepts I explored in WorkSpace and applied them to the problem of managing workflow and assets for multimedia development.
It was the commercialization of a project from the BBC's Interactive Television Unit called 'Future Worlds'. Future Worlds was investigating how to create video content that could be used in a traditional linear documentary and also in a hyper-linked computer-based environment. I worked at the BBC for all of three months before the ITU was spun off into an independent company, the MultiMedia Corporation. MediaMaker was published by MacroMind, and I went along with it to San Francisco.